Any job that makes use of the skills we teach in classes in the department—including writing, editing, filming, archiving—could serve as an internship. If you show us that your potential internship will help you develop the “real-world” skills listed here, we will approve the internship for FLM program credit.
How does a student arrange an internship?
The program does not arrange internships for students; it merely oversees the internship. We are also happy to advise on potential internships. Students are responsible for locating an internship, with the help of the Department of English, Film Studies Program, the Excel Network (CAL), and Career Network. The Department of English does keep a file of previous internship requests, as does the College of Arts and Letters (located at 200 Linton Hall).
How many credits can a student earn for an internship?
Internships through FLM 493 can take place during fall, spring, or summer. The amount of credit varies, depending on how much time is dedicated to the job weekly. A four-credit internship equals approximately 20 hours per week during a full semester; a three-credit internship equals 12–15 hours per week; a two-credit internship equals 7–10 hours per week; and a one-credit internship equals three–five hours per week.
Who is eligible to do an internship?
To be eligible for an internship, a student must be a FLM major, must have completed a minimum of 15 credits in Film Studies, must be a sophomore, junior, or senior, and must gain the approval of the department (i.e., the associate chairperson for undergraduate studies)
What are the requirements for completing an internship?
To complete an internship, students must submit these materials to the department:
- Internship Agreement Form (PDF) When submitted, the English undergraduate secretary will enroll you in FLM 493.
- Portfolio of work completed on the internship. Due by the last day of the semester classes.
- Employer’s evaluation of student (form available in C614 Wells Hall). Due last day of semester classes.
- Weekly log of duties assigned and completed during the internship. Due last day of semester classes.
- Five-page reflective essay on the internship experience. Due last day of semester classes.
- Brief evaluation of the internship program by student and employer (forms available in C614 Wells Hall). Due last day of semester classes.
Note: These materials are to be submitted to the associate chairperson of undergraduate studies, currently Prof. Robin Silbergleid, who will assign the student a numeric grade.
How does an internship count toward a Film Studies degree?
The internship (FLM 493) is one of several options for the requirement of a senior capstone in Film Studies. All students are encouraged to pursue internship opportunities. Discuss senior capstone options, as well as internships, with the advisor.
How does a student enroll for internship credit (FLM 493)?
In order to enroll for credit in FLM 493, students must submit an Internship Agreement Form to the English Department (C614 Wells Hall). At that time, students may pick up an internship packet, which includes the employer and student evaluation forms.